Ignite Your Inner Sun with Surya Mudra

Ignite Your Inner Sun with Surya Mudra

Surya mudra (also known as Agni mudra) is a powerful mudra (symbolic gesture) that ignites our inner fire, referred to as ‘Agni’ in yoga and Ayurveda.  A healthy Agni is vital for optimal health and wellbeing.  Agni represents the fire element which not...
The Magic of the Breath

The Magic of the Breath

There is so much fear in the world right now. None of us are immune to it. Fear is a powerful emotion and affects the entire mind-body system. Neurologically, it shuts down the part of our brain that governs rational thought, leaving the most primitive part of our...
Why Surya Namaskar Is So Much More Than a Warm-Up

Why Surya Namaskar Is So Much More Than a Warm-Up

So much more than a warm-up to begin asana practice, Surya Namaskar is a foundational practice in many yoga linages and a complete sadhana or spiritual practice in its own right. Incorporating asana (postures), pranayama (yogic breathing techniques) and mantra (sacred...