The Eight Limbs of Yoga – Embodying the True Essence of Yoga Off the Mat
In yoga classes and workshops, I emphasise that yoga is so much more than the physical practice of asana (postures). True yoga is a way of life - not just something we do for 90 minutes a few times a week to stretch and tone our bodies. Maharishi Patanjali mapped out...
The Power of Perception – Shift Your Perspective Using 4 Simple Questions
Our Mind Colours Our Perception of the World When we perceive the world around us through our five senses, we quickly apply a label to that information in the form of a value judgement for instance good, bad, pleasant, unpleasant, true, false, right, wrong etc....
Metamorphosis and The Human Experience: A Lesson from Nature in Navigating Uncertainty, Change & Transformation
As we start to emerge from our cocoons of the past year, we are entering what Social Scientists call a “liminal moment” - the often uncomfortable in-between phase that happens when we are exiting one way of being and transitioning into another. This transition phase...
The Power Of Sankalpa (Intention)
Do you find the hype around New Year’s Resolutions triggering? If, like me, ‘New Year, New Me’ sentiments just don’t resonate with you or feel authentic, know you are definitely not alone! This time of the year is a natural invitation for us to journey inward. With...
A Full Moon Ritual to Connect with Divine Feminine Energy
Today marks a rare phenomenon in the natural world – a Blue Moon. Halloween, 2020 is the first time in more than 70 years that a Blue Moon is visible in all time zones and has coincided with Halloween. How do full moons occur?Full moons happen once a month when the...
Everyday Ayurveda: Tips to Transition as the Season Changes
As the seasons change, there is a period of transition in nature. As well as the external changes that occur in our environment as the seasons change, we too experience a period of transition in our mind-body system. When the seasons change, we are more susceptible...
A Breath Practice & Mudra to Calm Anxiety
Apana Vayu mudra is a powerful mudra for soothing the nervous system and relaxing the body and mind. For this reason, it is extremely beneficial in treating anxiety. Technique (see image): Bend your index finger so the tip touches the fleshy part of the base of your...
Ignite Your Inner Sun with Surya Mudra
Surya mudra (also known as Agni mudra) is a powerful mudra (symbolic gesture) that ignites our inner fire, referred to as 'Agni' in yoga and Ayurveda. A healthy Agni is vital for optimal health and wellbeing. Agni represents the fire element which not only governs...
The Magic of the Breath
There is so much fear in the world right now. None of us are immune to it. Fear is a powerful emotion and affects the entire mind-body system. Neurologically, it shuts down the part of our brain that governs rational thought, leaving the most primitive part of our...
Why Surya Namaskar Is So Much More Than a Warm-Up
So much more than a warm-up to begin asana practice, Surya Namaskar is a foundational practice in many yoga linages and a complete sadhana or spiritual practice in its own right. Incorporating asana (postures), pranayama (yogic breathing techniques) and mantra (sacred...